Landmark Chiropractic Blog

Trends & News to Get you Back to Health

Why Utilize Dry Needling?

Standing for long periods? Sitting at a desk all day? Repeatedly bending over to pick things up? Poor posture? So many different strains on the body can lead to tension in a multitude of places, like the knots that most commonly arise in the shoulders, tension in the low back or hips, or the feeling…

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Exercise and Chiropractic Therapy

Cardiovascular and strengthening exercises combined with chiropractic care are important in the management of low back pain If a patient has a history of heart problems, it is important for the patient to consult with not only the doctor of chiropractic but their primary care physician to be certain that they can tolerate cardiovascular fitness-promoting…

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Firefighters and Back Pain

Back pain is an epidemic. 75 million Americans suffer from low back pain, with three million new cases each year. Low back pain is the second leading cause of days missed from work and the third most common cause of hospitalization in this country. Low back surgery is seven times higher in the United States…

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Active Release Technique

Active Release Technique: ART…Release your Pain! Using Active Release Technique© (ART©), Dr. Cole Bergeson provides a way to diagnose and treat the cause of cumulative trauma  disorders which often result in symptoms such as numbness, tingling, burning,  aching, and stiffness.  ART©  is a hands-on therapy that corrects muscular and soft tissue problems caused by  the adhesion formations…

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Cox Technic

Cox Technic is research-documented spinal manipulation to
 relieve lower back pain, neck pain, arm pain, leg pain and a host of other 
spinal related conditions like disc herniation, spinal stenosis, post-surgical
 continued pain, and pregnancy related back pain. Cox Technic’s developer, Dr.
James M. Cox, has insisted for nearly 50 years on documenting the science of

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